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Iniciado por Swarlog, Feb 01, 2023, 04:37 PM

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Esta inclusión le permite crear y administrar varias consultas SQLite de una manera muy simplificada, lo que significa que ya no necesita usar mysql_query ni nada por el estilo. Pero podrá administrar consultas como solía hacerlo en sistemas anteriores como INI, por ejemplo.

Algunas ventajas de esto incluyen:

- Sin reducciones de velocidad en comparación con las consultas normales.
- Gestión más sencilla de las consultas respecto a las normales.
- Este include tiene un esquema similar a Y_INI (Gracias ****** por eso)
- Capacidad para actualizar grandes cantidades de datos sin la necesidad de concatenar cadenas, lo cual es una molestia si tiene muchos datos para actualizar.
- Capacidad para crear y administrar tablas del lado del script.
- No necesitas un alto conocimiento en MySL ya que este incluido simplifica su uso al máximo.
- En general, no tendrá que preocuparse por configurar muchas consultas juntas para continuar con alguna acción.


native DB:SL::Connect(database[]);
native SL::DeleteRow(const table[], const column[], columnID, DB:database = DB:1);
native SL::DeleteRowEx(const table[], const column[], columnID[], DB:database = DB:1);
native SL::GetIntEntry(const table[], const field[], const column[], columnID, DB:database = DB:1);
native Float:SL::GetFloatEntry(const table[], const field[], const column[], columnID, DB:database = DB:1);
native SL::GetStringEntry(const table[], const field[], const column[], columnID, dest[], len = sizeof(dest), DB:database = DB:1);
native SL::GetStringEntryEx(const table[], const field[], const column[], const scolumn[], dest[], len = sizeof(dest), DB:database = DB:1)
native SL::GetIntEntryEx(const table[], const field[], const column[], scolumn[], DB:database = DB:1);
native Float:SL::GetFloatEntryEx(const table[], const field[], const column[], scolumn[], DB:database = DB:1);
native SL::CreateTable(const tablename[], DB:database = DB:1);
native SL::AddTableEntry(handle, const field[], SL::datatypes: type = SL_TYPE_INT, maxlength = 11, bool:auto_increment = false, bool:setprimary = false);
native SL::OpenTable_Read(const table[], const column[], columnID, DB:database = DB:1);
native SL::OpenTable_ReadEx(const table[], const column[], columnID[], DB:database = DB:1);
native SL::ReadInt(handle, const field[], &dest);
native SL::ReadFloat(handle, const field[], &Float:dest);
native SL::ReadString(handle, const field[], dest[], len = sizeof(dest));
native SL::OpenTable_Update(const table[], const column[], columnID, DB:database = DB:1);
native SL::OpenTable_UpdateEx(const table[], const column[], columnID[], DB:database = DB:1);
native SL::Open(SL::qtypes:type, const table[], const column[] = "", columnID = -1, DB:database = DB:1);
native SL::ToggleAutoIncrement(handle, bool:toggle);
native SL::OpenEx(SL::qtypes:type, const table[], const column[] = "", columnID[] = "", DB:database = DB:1)
native SL::UpdateIntEntry(handle, const field[], value);
native SL::UpdateFloatEntry(handle, const field[], Float:value);
native SL::UpdateStringEntry(handle, const field[], const value[], bool:use_real_escape = true);
native SL::Close(handle);
native SL::SetIntEntry(const table[], const field[], value, const column[], columnID, DB:database = DB:1);
native SL::SetIntEntryEx(const table[], const field[], value, const column[], columnID[], DB:database = DB:1);
native SL::SetFloatEntry(const table[], const field[], Float:value, const column[], columnID, DB:database = DB:1);
native SL::SetFloatEntryEx(const table[], const field[], Float:value, const column[], columnID[], DB:database = DB:1);
native SL::SetStringEntry(const table[], const field[], const value[], const column[], columnID, bool:use_real_escape = true, DB:database = DB:1);
native SL::SetStringEntryEx(const table[], const field[], const value[], const column[], columnID[], bool:use_real_escape = true, DB:database = DB:1);
native SL::OpenTable_Insert(const table[], DB:database = DB:1);
native SL::InsertIntEntry(handle, const field[], value);
native SL::InsertFloatEntry(handle, const field[], Float:value);
native SL::InsertStringEntry(handle, const field[], const value[], bool:use_real_escape = true);
native SL::ExistsTable(const tablename[], DB:database = DB:1);
native SL::CountRows(const tablename[], DB:database = DB:1);
native SL::CountTables(DB:database = DB:1);
native SL::DropTable(const tablename[], DB:database = DB:1);


native SL::Open(SL::qtypes:type, const table[], const column[] = "", columnID = -1, DB:database = DB:1);
native SL::ToggleAutoIncrement(handle, bool:toggle);
native SL::OpenEx(SL::qtypes:type, const table[], const column[] = "", columnID[] = "", DB:database = DB:1)

The following functions replace Insert and Update functions:

native SL::WriteFloat(handle, const field[], Float:value);
native SL::WriteInt(handle, const field[], Float:value);
native SL::WriteString(handle, const field[], const value[]);

This include is mainly for people without experience with SLite as it simplifies its usage.


 *  Simple register/login system using!
#include <a_samp>
#include <easy-sqlite>
enum p_info
new UserInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][p_info];
#define DIALOG_LOGIN 0
stock ret_pName(playerid)
    new name[24];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
    return name;
public OnGameModeInit()
    //Connecting to the database
    //Checking if the table 'players' exists
    //Checking if the table 'players' exists
        //If not, then create a table called 'players'.
        new handle = SL::Open(SL::CREATE, "players"); //Opening a valid handle to create a table called 'players'
        SL::AddTableEntry(handle, "p_id", SL_TYPE_INT, 11, true);
        SL::AddTableEntry(handle, "p_name", SL_TYPE_VCHAR, 24);
        SL::AddTableEntry(handle, "p_password", SL_TYPE_VCHAR, 64);
        SL::AddTableEntry(handle, "p_score", SL_TYPE_INT);
        SL::AddTableEntry(handle, "p_posx", SL_TYPE_FLOAT);
        SL::AddTableEntry(handle, "p_posy", SL_TYPE_FLOAT);
        SL::AddTableEntry(handle, "p_posz", SL_TYPE_FLOAT);
        SL::Close(handle);//Closing the previous opened handle.
        print("Table 'players' was successfully created");
        print("Table 'players' was successfully loaded");
    return 1;
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    UserInfo[playerid][p_loggedin] = 0; UserInfo[playerid][p_score] = 0;  UserInfo[playerid][p_posx] = 1958.3783;
    UserInfo[playerid][p_posy] = 1343.1572; UserInfo[playerid][p_posz] = 15.3746; 
    if(SL::RowExistsEx("players", "p_name", ret_pName(playerid))) //Check if the name is registered in the database
        //Get the player password and unique ID.
        new handle = SL::OpenEx(SL::READ, "players", "p_name", ret_pName(playerid));
        SL::ReadString(handle, "p_password", UserInfo[playerid][p_password], 64);
        SL::ReadInt(handle, "p_id", UserInfo[playerid][p_id]);
        //Show the login dialog
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "{0080FF}Login", "Please input your password below to log in.", "Login", "Exit");
        //If not registered, then show the register DIALOG.
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "{0080FF}Register", "Please input a password below to register in.", "Login", "Exit");
    return 1;
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
    SetPlayerPos(playerid, UserInfo[playerid][p_posx], UserInfo[playerid][p_posy], UserInfo[playerid][p_posz]);
    return 1;
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
    if(UserInfo[playerid][p_loggedin] == 1)
        //Save the player data.
        GetPlayerPos(playerid, UserInfo[playerid][p_posx], UserInfo[playerid][p_posy], UserInfo[playerid][p_posz]);
        new handle = SL::Open(SL::UPDATE, "players", "p_id", UserInfo[playerid][p_id]);
        SL::WriteInt(handle, "p_score", GetPlayerScore(playerid));
        SL::WriteFloat(handle, "p_posx", UserInfo[playerid][p_posx]);
        SL::WriteFloat(handle, "p_posy", UserInfo[playerid][p_posy]);
        SL::WriteFloat(handle, "p_posz", UserInfo[playerid][p_posz]);
    return 1;
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
        case DIALOG_REGISTER:
            if(!response) return Kick(playerid);
            if(strlen(inputtext) < 5)
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "{0080FF}Register", "Please input a password below to register in.", "Login", "Exit");
                return 1;
            SHA256_PassHash(inputtext, "", UserInfo[playerid][p_password], 64);
            new handle = SL::Open(SL::INSERT, "players");
            SL::ToggleAutoIncrement(handle, true);
            SL::WriteString(handle, "p_name", ret_pName(playerid));
            SL::WriteString(handle, "p_password", UserInfo[playerid][p_password]);
            SL::WriteInt(handle, "p_score", 0);
            SL::WriteFloat(handle, "p_posx", 0.0);
            SL::WriteFloat(handle, "p_posy", 0.0);
            SL::WriteFloat(handle, "p_posz", 0.0);
            UserInfo[playerid][p_id] = SL::Close(handle);//If auto_increment was set to true, SL::Close will return the ID of the inserted row.
            SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Successfully registered in!");
            UserInfo[playerid][p_loggedin] = 1;
        case DIALOG_LOGIN:
            if(!response) Kick(playerid); 
            new hash[64];
            SHA256_PassHash(inputtext, "", hash, 64);
            if(!strcmp(hash, UserInfo[playerid][p_password]))
                //Load player data
                new handle = SL::Open(SL::READ, "players", "p_id", UserInfo[playerid][p_id]);
                SL::ReadInt(handle, "p_score", UserInfo[playerid][p_score]);
                SL::ReadFloat(handle, "p_posx", UserInfo[playerid][p_posx]);
                SL::ReadFloat(handle, "p_posy", UserInfo[playerid][p_posy]);
                SL::ReadFloat(handle, "p_posz", UserInfo[playerid][p_posz]);
                SL::Close(handle);//You must close the handle.
                SetPlayerScore(playerid, UserInfo[playerid][p_score]);
                UserInfo[playerid][p_loggedin] = 1;
                SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Successfully logged in!");
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "{0080FF}Login", "Please input your password below to log in.", "Login", "Exit");
    return 1;


SL_TYPE_INT //Describes an integer
SL_TYPE_VCHAR //Describes a varchar
SL_TYPE_FLOAT //Describes a float
SL_INVALID_HANDLE //Describes an invalid handle
SL::UPDATE //Describes an update handle
SL::INSERT //Describes an insert handle
SL::READ //Describes a read handle
SL::CREATE //Describes a handle to create a table


native SL::CreateTable(const tablename[], connectionHandle = 1);
native SL::OpenTable_Read(const table[], const column[], columnID, connectionHandle = 1);
native SL::OpenTable_ReadEx(const table[], const column[], columnID[], connectionHandle = 1);
native SL::OpenTable_Update(const table[], const column[], columnID, connectionHandle = 1);
native SL::OpenTable_UpdateEx(const table[], const column[], columnID[], connectionHandle = 1);
native SL::OpenTable_Insert(const table[], connectionHandle = 1);

Fueron reemplazados por SL::Open | SL:OpenEx en consecuencia en v2.0 (Las funciones anteriores todavía se usan internamente).


Crear tabla:

new handle = SL::Open(SL::CREATE, "players"); //Opening a valid handle to create a table called 'players'
SL::AddTableEntry(handle, "p_id", SL_TYPE_INT, 11, true);
SL::AddTableEntry(handle, "p_name", SL_TYPE_VCHAR, 24);
SL::AddTableEntry(handle, "p_password", SL_TYPE_VCHAR, 64);
SL::AddTableEntry(handle, "p_score", SL_TYPE_INT);
SL::AddTableEntry(handle, "p_posx", SL_TYPE_FLOAT);
SL::AddTableEntry(handle, "p_posy", SL_TYPE_FLOAT);
SL::AddTableEntry(handle, "p_posz", SL_TYPE_FLOAT);
SL::Close(handle);//Closing the previous opened handle.

Insertar tabla:

new handle = SL::Open(SL::INSERT, "players");
SL::ToggleAutoIncrement(handle, true);//Toggles auto increment, SL::Close will return the ID of the latest inserted ID
SL::WriteString(handle, "p_name", ret_pName(playerid));
SL::WriteString(handle, "p_password", UserInfo[playerid][p_password]);
SL::WriteInt(handle, "p_score", 0);
SL::WriteFloat(handle, "p_posx", 0.0);
SL::WriteFloat(handle, "p_posy", 0.0);
SL::WriteFloat(handle, "p_posz", 0.0);
UserInfo[playerid][p_id] = SL::Close(handle);//Returns the ID of the latest inserted ID 

Actualizar tabla:

new handle = SL::Open(SL::UPDATE, "players", "p_id", UserInfo[playerid][p_id]);
SL::WriteInt(handle, "p_score", GetPlayerScore(playerid));
SL::WriteFloat(handle, "p_posx", UserInfo[playerid][p_posx]);
SL::WriteFloat(handle, "p_posy", UserInfo[playerid][p_posy]);
SL::WriteFloat(handle, "p_posz", UserInfo[playerid][p_posz]);

Lectura de la tabla:

new handle = SL::Open(SL::READ, "players", "p_id", UserInfo[playerid][p_id]);
SL::ReadInt(handle, "p_score", UserInfo[playerid][p_score]);
SL::ReadFloat(handle, "p_posx", UserInfo[playerid][p_posx]);
SL::ReadFloat(handle, "p_posy", UserInfo[playerid][p_posy]);
SL::ReadFloat(handle, "p_posz", UserInfo[playerid][p_posz]);
SL::Close(handle);//You must close the handle. 

Para ejecutar la acción, debe utilizar:

native SL::Close(handle)
Si desea actualizar una gran cantidad de datos de una sola toma, utilice: