
Lineage II | Desarrollo & Soporte => Implementaciones => Desarrollo de Servidores => NPC => Mensaje iniciado por: Swarlog en Ago 11, 2022, 01:10 AM

Título: Npc Rank Manager v3.0
Publicado por: Swarlog en Ago 11, 2022, 01:10 AM
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
 * version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package custom.RankNPC;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import com.l2js.Config;
import com.l2js.gameserver.complement.NpcHtmlDefault;
import com.l2js.gameserver.datatables.*;
import com.l2js.gameserver.datatables.RankSystemTable.RankInformation;
import com.l2js.gameserver.instancemanager.QuestManager;
import com.l2js.gameserver.model.L2World;
import com.l2js.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc;
import com.l2js.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import com.l2js.gameserver.model.itemcontainer.PcInventory;
import com.l2js.gameserver.model.olympiad.Olympiad;
import com.l2js.gameserver.model.quest.Quest;
import com.l2js.gameserver.model.quest.QuestState;

 * @author L0ngh0rn

public class RankNPC extends Quest
private final static int NPC = Config.RANK_NPC_ID;
private final static String NAME_QUEST = RankNPC.class.getSimpleName();
private final static DecimalFormat f = new DecimalFormat(",##0,000");
private final static NpcHtmlDefault nhd = new NpcHtmlDefault();
private final static RankSystemTable rst = RankSystemTable.getInstance();

public RankNPC(int questId, String name, String descr)
super(questId, name, descr);

public static void main(String[] args)
new RankNPC(-1, NAME_QUEST, "custom");

private String title(QuestState st)
String htmltext = nhd.title("Rank Manager", "Rank Information");
htmltext += "Hello, " + st.getPlayer().getName() + "!<br>";
return htmltext;

private String footer()
return nhd.footer("NPC Rank", "v3.0");

private String button(String value, String event, int w, int h, int type, boolean revert)
return nhd.button(NAME_QUEST, value, event, w, h, type, revert);

public String onAdvEvent(String event, L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player)
QuestState st = player.getQuestState(getName());
String paramEvent[] = event.split(" ");
String action = "page", param1 = "", param2 = "", param3 = "", param4 = "";
int size = paramEvent.length;

if (size >= 1)
action = paramEvent[0];
if (size >= 2)
param1 = paramEvent[1];
if (size >= 3)
param2 = paramEvent[2];
if (size >= 4)
param3 = paramEvent[3];
if (size >= 5)
param4 = paramEvent[4];

String htmltext = "";
if (action.equals("page"))
htmltext = page(st, "");
else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("generatePage"))
htmltext = generatePage(Integer.valueOf(param1), st);
else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("viewPage"))
switch (Integer.valueOf(param1))
case 1:
htmltext = viewItem(st, RankSystemTable.ITEM, Integer.valueOf(param2), Integer.valueOf(param3));
case 2:
htmltext = viewItem(st, RankSystemTable.OLYMPIAD, Integer.valueOf(param2), Integer.valueOf(param3));
case 3:
htmltext = viewItem(st, RankSystemTable.PVP, Integer.valueOf(param2), Integer.valueOf(param3));
case 4:
htmltext = viewItem(st, RankSystemTable.PK, Integer.valueOf(param2), Integer.valueOf(param3));
htmltext = page(st, "Invalid option!");
else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("generateInfo"))
htmltext = viewInfoChar(st, Integer.parseInt(param1), Integer.parseInt(param2), Integer.parseInt(param3), Integer.parseInt(param4));
return htmltext;

public String onFirstTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player)
QuestState st = player.getQuestState(getName());
if (st == null)
Quest q = QuestManager.getInstance().getQuest(getName());
st = q.newQuestState(player);
return page(st, "");

private Boolean disablePage(int page)
for (int i = 0; i < Config.RANK_NPC_DISABLE_PAGE.length; i++)
if (Integer.valueOf(Config.RANK_NPC_DISABLE_PAGE[i]) == page)
return true;
return false;

private String getNameItem(int item_id)
return ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(item_id).getName();

private String getClassName(int class_id)
return CharTemplateTable.getInstance().getClassNameById(class_id);

private String page(QuestState st, String msg)
String htmltext = "";

htmltext += title(st);
if (st.getPlayer().getLevel() < Config.RANK_NPC_MIN_LEVEL)
htmltext += "Minimum Level is: " + String.valueOf(Config.RANK_NPC_MIN_LEVEL);
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("mm:ss");
htmltext += "<br1>Update on (mm:ss): <font color=\"LEVEL\">" + sdf.format(rst.getNextUpdatingTime()) + "</font>";
if (msg != "")
htmltext += "<br1><font color=\"LEVEL\">" + msg + "</font>";
htmltext += "<br1>Best of reporting information for each requirement.<br1>";
htmltext += "<center>";
htmltext += "<table width=\"260\" align=\"center\">";
if (!disablePage(1) && Config.RANK_NPC_LIST_ITEM.length != 0)
htmltext += "<tr><td width=\"260\" align=\"center\">" + button("Items", "generatePage 1", 180, 21, 1, false) + "</td></tr>";
if (!disablePage(2) && Config.RANK_NPC_LIST_CLASS.length != 0)
htmltext += "<tr><td width=\"260\" align=\"center\">" + button("Olympics", "generatePage 2", 180, 21, 1, false) + "</td></tr>";
if (!disablePage(3))
htmltext += "<tr><td width=\"260\" align=\"center\">" + button("PvP/PK", "generatePage 3", 180, 21, 1, false) + "</td></tr>";
htmltext += "</table>";
htmltext += "</center>";
htmltext += footer();
return htmltext;

private String generatePage(int option, QuestState st)
String htmltext = "";
int pag = 1, top = 1;
String event = "viewPage " + option;
htmltext += title(st);
htmltext += "<center>";
htmltext += "<table width=\"260\" align=\"center\">";
switch (option)
case 1:
for (Integer item_id : Config.RANK_NPC_LIST_ITEM)
htmltext += "<tr><td width=\"260\" align=\"center\">" + button(getNameItem(item_id), event + " " + item_id + " " + pag + " " + top, 180, 21, 1, false) + "</td></tr>";
case 2:
for (Integer class_id : Config.RANK_NPC_LIST_CLASS)
htmltext += "<tr><td width=\"260\" align=\"center\">" + button(getClassName(class_id), event + " " + class_id + " " + pag + " " + top, 180, 21, 1, false) + "</td></tr>";
case 3:
htmltext += "<tr><td width=\"260\" align=\"center\">" + button("PvP", "viewPage 3" + " 0" + " " + pag + " " + top, 180, 21, 1, false) + "</td></tr>";
htmltext += "<tr><td width=\"260\" align=\"center\">" + button("PK", "viewPage 4" + " 1" + " " + pag + " " + top, 180, 21, 1, false) + "</td></tr>";
htmltext = page(st, "Invalid option!");
htmltext += "</table><br>";
htmltext += button("Back", "page", 100, 21, 4, false);
htmltext += "</center>";
htmltext += footer();
return htmltext;

private String getTextTitle(int id, int type)
switch (type)
case RankSystemTable.ITEM: return String.valueOf(Config.RANK_NPC_ITEMS_RECORDS + " - " + getNameItem(id));
case RankSystemTable.OLYMPIAD: return String.valueOf(Config.RANK_NPC_OLY_RECORDS + " - " + getClassName(id));
case RankSystemTable.PVP: return String.valueOf(Config.RANK_NPC_PVP_RECORDS + " - PvP");
case RankSystemTable.PK: return String.valueOf(Config.RANK_NPC_PK_RECORDS + " - PK");
default: return String.valueOf("");

private String viewItem(QuestState st, int type, int id, int pag)
String htmltext = "";
htmltext += title(st);
htmltext += "<center>";
htmltext += "<table>";
htmltext += "<tr><td align=\"center\">Rank TOP " + getTextTitle(id, type) + "</td></tr>";
htmltext += "<tr><td align=\"center\"><img src=\"L2UI.SquareWhite\" width=\"261\" height=\"1\"></td></tr>";
htmltext += "<tr><td>";

htmltext += generateRankHtml(rst.getRankInformatioValues(type, id), type, id, pag);

htmltext += "</td></tr>";
htmltext += "<tr><td align=\"center\"><img src=\"L2UI.SquareWhite\" width=\"261\" height=\"1\"></td></tr>";
htmltext += "</table>";
htmltext += "<br>" + button("Back", "generatePage " + (type == 4 ? 3 : type), 100, 21, 4, false);
htmltext += "</center>";
htmltext += footer();
return htmltext;

private String generateRankHtml(TreeSet<RankInformation> values, int type, int id, int pag)
String c1 = Config.RANK_NPC_COLOR_A;
String c2 = Config.RANK_NPC_COLOR_B;
Boolean c = true;
int maxPerPage = 20;
Integer top = (maxPerPage * (pag - 1)) + 1;
String htmltext = "";

if (!values.isEmpty())
int countPag = (int)Math.ceil((double)values.size() / (double) maxPerPage);
int startRow = (maxPerPage * (pag - 1));
int stopRow = (startRow + maxPerPage);
int countReg = 0;
String pages = generateButtonPage(countPag, type, id, pag);
htmltext += pages;

htmltext += "<table bgcolor=\"000000\">";
htmltext += "<tr>";
htmltext += "<td width=\"35\" align=\"center\">TOP</td>";
htmltext += "<td width=\"100\" align=\"left\"><font color=\"F2FEBF\">Name</font></td>";
htmltext += "<td width=\"125\" align=\"right\"><font color=\"00CC00\">Total</font></td>";
htmltext += "</tr>";

for (RankInformation ri : values)
if (ri == null) break;
if (countReg >= stopRow) break;
if (countReg >= startRow && countReg < stopRow)
String color = (c ? c1 : c2);
String online = String.valueOf(top);
L2PcInstance activeChar = L2World.getInstance().getPlayer(ri.getObjectId());
if (activeChar != null)
online = button(online, "generateInfo " + ri.getObjectId() + " " + type + " " + id + " " + pag, 30, 20, 6, c);
Long amount = ri.getAmount();
String total = (amount > 999 ? f.format(amount) : String.valueOf(amount));

htmltext += "<tr>";
htmltext += "<td width=\"35\" align=\"center\"><font color=\"" + color + "\">" + online + "</font></td>";
htmltext += "<td width=\"100\" align=\"left\"><font color=\"" + color + "\">" + ri.getPlayerName() + "</font></td>";
htmltext += "<td width=\"125\" align=\"right\"><font color=\"" + color + "\">" + total + "</font></td>";
htmltext += "</tr>";

c = !c;

htmltext += "<tr>";
htmltext += "<td height=\"3\" align=\"center\"> </td>";
htmltext += "<td height=\"3\" align=\"center\"> </td>";
htmltext += "<td height=\"3\" align=\"center\"> </td>";
htmltext += "</tr>";
htmltext += "</table>";

htmltext += pages;
htmltext += "<center>Has no information for that option.</center>";

return htmltext;

private String generateButtonPage(int countPag, int type, int id, int pag)
if (countPag == 1) return "";
String text = "";

text += "<center><table><tr>";
for (int i = 1; i <= countPag; i++)
text += "<td>" + button("P" + i, "viewPage " + type + " " + id + " " + i, 35, 20, 5, (i == pag ? true : false)) + "</td>";
text += (i % 8 == 0 ? "</tr><tr>" : "");
text += "</tr></table></center>";
return text;

public String viewInfoChar(QuestState st, int objectId, int type, int id, int pag)
L2PcInstance activeChar = L2World.getInstance().getPlayer(objectId);
String htmltext = "", title = "", footer = "";

title += "<table bgcolor=\"000000\">";
title += "<tr>";
title += "<td width=\"125\" align=\"left\"><font color=\"F2FEBF\">Desc.</font></td>";
title += "<td width=\"125\" align=\"right\"><font color=\"00CC00\">Total</font></td>";
title += "</tr>";

footer += "<tr>";
footer += "<td height=\"3\" align=\"center\"> </td>";
footer += "<td height=\"3\" align=\"center\"> </td>";
footer += "</tr>";
footer += "</table><br>";

htmltext += title(st);
htmltext += "<center>";
htmltext += "<table>";
htmltext += "<tr><td align=\"center\">Character Information</td></tr>";
htmltext += "<tr><td align=\"center\"><img src=\"L2UI.SquareWhite\" width=\"261\" height=\"1\"></td></tr>";
htmltext += "<tr><td>";

if (activeChar == null)
htmltext += "<center>No Information! Sorry!</center>";

Boolean c;
String c1 = Config.RANK_NPC_COLOR_A;
String c2 = Config.RANK_NPC_COLOR_B;
String yes = "<font color=\"79FF43\">Yes!</font>";
String no = "<font color=\"FF0B00\">No!</font>";
MapRegionTable map = MapRegionTable.getInstance();
PcInventory inv = activeChar.getInventory();

c = true;
htmltext += "Name: <font color=\""+c1+"\">" + activeChar.getName() + "</font><br1>";
htmltext += "Level: <font color=\""+c1+"\">" + String.valueOf(activeChar.getLevel()) + "</font><br1>";
if (activeChar.getClanId() != 0)
htmltext += "Clan: <font color=\""+c1+"\">" + activeChar.getClan().getName() + "</font><br1>";
if (activeChar.getAllyId() != 0)
htmltext += "Ally: <font color=\""+c1+"\">" + activeChar.getClan().getAllyName() + "</font><br1>";
htmltext += "Last Town: <font color=\""+c1+"\">" + activeChar.getLastTownName() + "</font><br1>";
htmltext += "Current Known Location: <font color=\""+c1+"\">" + map.getClosestTownName(activeChar) + " Teritory</font>";

htmltext += "<table align=\"center\" width=\"255\"><tr>";
htmltext += "<td width=\"85\" align=\"center\">Is Noble?</td>";
htmltext += "<td width=\"85\" align=\"center\">Is Hero?</td>";
htmltext += "<td width=\"85\" align=\"center\">Is Donator?</td>";
htmltext += "</tr><tr>";
htmltext += "<td width=\"85\" align=\"center\">" + (activeChar.isNoble() ? yes : no) + "</td>";
htmltext += "<td width=\"85\" align=\"center\">" + (activeChar.isHero() ? yes : no) + "</td>";
htmltext += "<td width=\"85\" align=\"center\">" + (activeChar.isDonator() ? yes : no) + "</td>";
htmltext += "</tr></table>";

c = true;
htmltext += "<br><center><b><font color=\"LEVEL\">ITEMS</font></b>";
htmltext += title;
for (Integer item_id : Config.RANK_NPC_LIST_ITEM)
String color = (c ? c1 : c2);
Long amount = inv.getInventoryItemCount(item_id, -1);
String total = (amount > 999 ? f.format(amount) : String.valueOf(amount));
htmltext += "<tr>";
htmltext += "<td align=\"left\"><font color=\"" + color + "\">" + getNameItem(item_id)+ "</font></td>";
htmltext += "<td align=\"right\"><font color=\"" + color + "\">" + total + "</font></td>";
htmltext += "</tr>";
c = !c;

htmltext += footer;
htmltext += "</center>";

c = true;
htmltext += "<br><center><b><font color=\"LEVEL\">OLYMPIAD</font></b>";
htmltext += title;
String color = (c ? c1 : c2);
int points = Olympiad.getInstance().getNoblePoints(activeChar.getObjectId());
String total = (points > 999 ? f.format(points) : String.valueOf(points));
htmltext += "<tr>";
htmltext += "<td align=\"left\"><font color=\"" + color + "\">" + getClassName(activeChar.getClassId().getId()) + "</font></td>";
htmltext += "<td align=\"right\"><font color=\"" + color + "\">" + total + "</font></td>";
htmltext += "</tr>";
htmltext += footer;
htmltext += "</center>";

c = true;
htmltext += "<br><center><b><font color=\"LEVEL\">PVP/PK</font></b>";
htmltext += title;
color = (c ? c1 : c2);
int amount = activeChar.getPvpKills();
total = (amount > 999 ? f.format(amount) : String.valueOf(amount));
htmltext += "<tr>";
htmltext += "<td align=\"left\"><font color=\"" + color + "\">PvP</font></td>";
htmltext += "<td align=\"right\"><font color=\"" + color + "\">" + total + "</font></td>";
htmltext += "</tr>";
c = !c;
color = (c ? c1 : c2);
amount = activeChar.getPkKills();
total = (amount > 999 ? f.format(amount) : String.valueOf(amount));
htmltext += "<tr>";
htmltext += "<td align=\"left\"><font color=\"" + color + "\">PK</font></td>";
htmltext += "<td align=\"right\"><font color=\"" + color + "\">" + total + "</font></td>";
htmltext += "</tr>";
htmltext += footer;
htmltext += "</center>";
htmltext += "</td></tr>";
htmltext += "<tr><td align=\"center\"><img src=\"L2UI.SquareWhite\" width=\"261\" height=\"1\"></td></tr>";
htmltext += "</table>";
htmltext += "<br>" + button("Back", "viewPage " + type + " " + id + " " + pag, 100, 21, 4, false);
htmltext += "</center>";
htmltext += footer();
return htmltext;