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Evento Shot The Dog

Iniciado por Swarlog, Ago 06, 2022, 02:31 AM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Posible adaptación a otras crónicas si el código y el cliente lo permite.

Aquí llega el Evento Shot The Dog!

Los participantes se reparten en dos equipos y han de matar la mayor cantidad de enemigos posibles. Pero lo harán transformados de Sniper Dogs y solo podrán utilizar sus Skills de Evento. Cada muerte que realicen les otorgará Dollar Dogs, que pueden utilizar en el mismo Evento para comprar Skills mas poderosas y tomar ventaja ante sus adversarios.


- Multiple Instance: Puedes elegir que el Evento ocurra en una o en mas Instances para evitar algomeraciones innecesarias de jugadores

- Full configurable Event (lenguaje del evento, premios para ganadores, perdedores o en caso de empate, automatizacion del evento en un horario...)

- Comandos de GM especiales para el Evento y comandos especiales del Evento para los jugadores (incloudes and special event chat).

Comandos de GM:
  • shooter_menu - muestra el menu principal del evento
  • shooter_advance - avanza el evento hacia el siguiente periodo
  • shooter_abort - cancela el evento
  • shooter_reg_log - muestra el registro de participantes una vez iniciado el evento
  • shooter_info - muestra la configuracion actual del evento
  • shooter_score - muestra las puntuaciones de los equipos, tambien en las diferentes zonas (si multiple instance está activado)
  • shooter_eventchat_listen - activa/desactiva la escucha del chat especial del Evento para GMs

- Menu de GM del Evento que cambia a medida que el Evento avanza para simplificar los comandos

- Todos los jugadores pueden participan, no importa su clase, nivel, equipo... El Evento mantiene la igualdad de stats (stats elementales no afectan).

- El Evento puede ser visualizado por otros jugadores que no esten participando mediante una camara.

- Se muestran las puntuaciones personales y finales del Evento una vez finalizado

Event full configurable:
# Laszlo Events Config
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Be sure you have "CustomNpcTable" and "CustomSkillsLoad" in true values, check your file.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Shot The Dog Event
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enable Event. Disable for not use.
# Default: true
ShooterEventEnable = true

# Define your event language (htmls and system messages. For skills description use the correct skillname-e).
# Default: english
# Avaiable Options: english, spanish
ShooterEventLang = english

# If it is true, the event will start automatically at scheduled hours, set in "STDEventInterval" values.
# Default: false
ShooterEventAutomatic = true

# Times Shot The Dog will occur (24h format).
STDEventInterval = 16:20,15:45

# If the value is true, the script will create predeterminated instances (max 5) and replace the players in those if ShooterEventParticipantsMaxInstance exceeds the own value.
# NOTE: if the value is false, all the participants will be in the same place. Use true to avoid innecessary aglomeration.
# Default: true
ShooterEventMultipleInstance = true

# Allow the players to see the features of the event in the inscription NPC (max-min players, max-min levels, prizes...)
# Default: true
ShooterEventFeatureView = true

# Num of minimun Participants
# Default: 2
ShooterEventParticipantsMin = 2

# Num of maxim Participants in total.
# Default: 200
ShooterEventParticipantsMaxTotal = 200

# If the value is true, there will be a max-min level for the inscription.
# Default: true
ShooterEventLevelLimit = true
# if you don't want max level limit, write 99
ShooterEventLevelLimitMax = 99
ShooterEventLevelLimitMin = 40

# Num of maxim Participants in each instance. If the num of players exceeds this value, the script will redirect a equal num of players in differents event instances, to avoid inneccessary algomeration
# NOTE: There are max five event instances for this event. Shot The Dog Event works properly if the math relation beetwen ShooterEventParticipantsMaxTotal and ShooterEventParticipantsMaxInstance is 5
# Default: 40
ShooterEventParticipantsMaxInstance = 4

# Reward ID
# Default: 57
ShooterEventRewardId = 57

# Reward Quantity
# Default: 10000
ShooterEventRewardQuant = 10000

# Reward for loser Team. If it is true, it will give a reward to the loser team
# Default: false
ShooterEventEnableRewardLoser = true

# Reward ID for loser Team
# Default: 57
ShooterEventRewardIdLoser = 57

# Reward Quantity for loser Team
# Default: 10000
ShooterEventRewardQuantLoser = 1

# Reward for event ended in Tie. If it is true, both teams will have reward
# Default: false
ShooterEventEnableRewardTie = true

# Reward ID for Tie situation
# Default: 57
ShooterEventRewardIdTie = 57

# Reward Quantity for Tie situation
# Default: 10000
ShooterEventRewardQuantTie = 100

#Inscription time once start announcments (in mseconds)
# Default: 600000 (10 minuts)
ShooterEventInscriptionTime = 600000

#Time to prepare party and skills once the event has started (in mseconds). Can't be inferior than 5.
# Default: 30000 (30 seconds.)
ShooterEventPreparationTime = 30000

#Duration of the Event (in mseconds)
# Default: 600000 (10 minuts)
ShooterEventProcessTime = 600000

#Time that allows the player view the stadistics of the event when it has ended (in mseconds).
# Default: 300000 (5 minuts.)
ShooterEventStadisticsTime = 300000

# Location for Inscription NPCs (3) Event spawn in form x,y,z[,heading]
# Default Giran: 83403,148618,-3404,32049
# Default Aden: 147450,25813,-2012,17681
# Default Goddard: 147685,-55514,-2734,49151
ShooterEventNpc1Coordinates = 83403,148618,-3404,32049
ShooterEventNpc2Coordinates = 147450,25813,-2012,17681
ShooterEventNpc3Coordinates = 147685,-55514,-2734,49151

# Fire Friend (only skills) in Shot The Dog Event
# Default: false
ShooterEventFireFriend = false


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Creditos por:
Laszlo's Developers