
Lineage II | Desarrollo & Soporte => Implementaciones => Desarrollo de Servidores => NPC => Mensaje iniciado por: Swarlog en Ago 11, 2022, 01:12 AM

Título: Npc Grand Wedding
Publicado por: Swarlog en Ago 11, 2022, 01:12 AM
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
 * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package custom.GrandWedding;

import com.l2jserver.gameserver.instancemanager.CoupleManager;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.SkillTable;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SocialAction;
import com.l2jserver.util.Rnd;
import java.util.Collection;
import javolution.util.FastList;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.Announcements;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.Quest;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.PlaySound;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.entity.Couple;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.items.instance.L2ItemInstance;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2CharPosition;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SpecialCamera;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.CreatureSay;

public class GrandWedding extends Quest
private static int GIFT = 889; // Reward ID: tateossian ring
private static int NEEDED_ADENA = 100000000; // need 100.000.000 Adena
private static int REQUIRED = 5283; // ID of required item (rice cake)
private static int QTY_REQUIRED = 20; // Qty of required items
private static int NEEDED_ADENA_ID = 57;

private static int[] Gourd = { 102504, 102513 };
private static int[] entertainmentId = { 102501, 102511, 102512 };
private static int pixyId = 102500;
private static int[] specialGuests = { 102517, 102518, 102519, 102520, 102521, 102522 };
private static int[] NPCS = { 102502, 102509, 102510 };

private static int Point1X = -51480;
private static int Point1Y = -54091;
private static int Point1Z = -2808;
private static int head1 = 15308;
private static int Point2X = -51480;
private static int Point2Y = -54242;
private static int head2 = 48643;

private static int[] numberGuards = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };

private static int WeddingLocked = 0;
private static int WeddingStep = 0;
private static L2Npc giftBox;
private static L2PcInstance husband;
private static L2PcInstance wife;
private static boolean husbandOk = false;
private static boolean wifeOk = false;
private static int HusbandCoupleId = 0;
private static int WifeCoupleId = 0;
private static L2Npc Anakim;
private static FastList<L2Npc> WeddingManagers = new FastList<L2Npc>();
private static Collection<L2PcInstance> players = null;
private static FastList<L2Npc> guards = new FastList<L2Npc>();
private static FastList<L2PcInstance> WeddingList = new FastList<L2PcInstance>();
private static FastList<L2Npc> guests = new FastList<L2Npc>();
private static FastList<L2Npc> pixies = new FastList<L2Npc>();
private static FastList<L2Npc> entertainment = new FastList<L2Npc>();
private static FastList<L2Npc> entertainment2 = new FastList<L2Npc>();
private static FastList<L2Npc> gourds = new FastList<L2Npc>();
private static L2Npc pet1;
private static L2Npc pet2;

private static String htmltext_01 = "<html><body>Good luck!<br><br>And congratulations again from the married couple!!!</body></html>";
private static String htmltext_02 = "<html><body>Only the married couple can get the reward!!!</body></html>";
private static String htmltext_03 = "<html><body>You need to be engaged to get married!</body></html>";
private static String htmltext_04 = "<html><body>You need to be wearing formal wear to get married!</body></html>";
private static String htmltext_05 = "<html><body>You need to be level 60 or more to use this service.</body></html>";
private static String htmltext_06 = "<html><body>You are late, please be quiet during the ceremony.</body></html>";
private static String htmltext_07 = "<html><body>It is not your turn to speak.</body></html>";
private static String htmltext_08 = "<html><body>What do you think you are doing interfering in the wedding?</body></html>";
private static String htmltext_09 = "<html><body>You do not have enough items.</body></html>";
private static String htmltext_10 = "<html><body>Another Wedding request is already in progress, you need to wait until either that wedding is completed or until the 2 minutes allowed for the answer is over.</body></html>";
private static String htmltext_11 = "<html><body>You are already married!  What are you doing talking to me?</body></html>";
private static String htmltext_12 = "<html><body>You are now on the Wedding guest list, you will be teleported 1 minute before the beginning of the ceremony.</body></html>";
private static String htmltext_13 = "<html><body>You are the one getting married!!! You cannot be a guest too! ;)</body></html>";
private static String htmltext_14 = "<html><body>You are already on the Wedding guest list.</body></html>";

private static String text_01 = "Your bride has 2 minutes to give an answer or the ceremony will be cancelled.";
private static String text_02 = "I will now announce your wedding so that guests can register to come see it.  Congratulations!  The wedding ceremony will start in 5 minutes.";
private static String text_03 = "Your groom has 2 minutes to give an answer or the ceremony will be cancelled.";
private static String text_04 = "The wedding request is cancelled.  Another couple may now ask to get married.";
private static String text_05 = "The Grand Wedding to celebrate ";
private static String text_06 = " and ";
private static String text_07 = "'s union will start in 5 minutes.  All those who want to come to see this great ceremony, please register with a Grand Wedding Manager in Giran, Aden or Goddard.";
private static String text_08 = "Players on the Wedding guest list will now be teleported to the Ceremony's location.  Once there the ceremony will start in 1 minute.";
private static String text_09 = "You will now be paralyzed until we are ready for your vows.  This is a necessary mesure :)";
private static String text_10 = "Please stay quiet during the preparation of the ceremony";
private static String text_11 = "So... where are you my lovely pets?...";
private static String text_12 = "Oh, here you are!";
private static String text_13 = "Hmmm... I think we are missing some guests...";
private static String text_14 = "Oh, I see them coming! ^^";
private static String text_15 = "Anyone else coming?...";
private static String text_16 = "The entertainment staff were supposed to be here too...";
private static String text_17 = "Ok, now we can start this wedding";
private static String text_18 = "But some more guests were supposed to be here too... oh, I see them now!";
private static String text_19 = "Could ";
private static String text_20 = " please come to me so we can start the ceremony.";
private static String text_21 = "Now lets start this ceremony...  ";
private static String text_22 = " do you take ";
private static String text_23 = " as your game wife and promise to protect her from PKers and to help her in game whenever necessary?";
private static String text_24 = "And you, ";
private static String text_25 = ", do you promise to help and protect ";
private static String text_26 = " when necessary, and to be there by his side when he needs you?";
private static String text_27 = "By the powers given to me, I now pronounce you two married.";
private static String text_28 = "And now a wedding present from the Server Team, enjoy!!";

public GrandWedding(int questId, String name, String descr)
super(questId, name, descr);
WeddingManagers.add(addSpawn(102510, 146364, 27322, -2205, 62980, false, 0));
WeddingManagers.add(addSpawn(102510, 147982, -56568, -2781, 20998, false, 0));
WeddingManagers.add(addSpawn(102510, 83486, 149328, -3405, 47599, false, 0));
for (int i : NPCS)

public static void main(String[] args)
// now call the constructor (starts up the)
new GrandWedding(-1, "GrandWedding", "custom");

public String onTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player)
int npcId = npc.getNpcId();
String htmltext = "<html><body>:(((</body></html>";

if (player.getQuestState("GrandWedding") == null)
return "";

if (npcId == 102502)
if (player == husband || player == wife)
htmltext = htmltext_01;
husband.getQuestState("GrandWedding").giveItems(GIFT, 1);
wife.getQuestState("GrandWedding").giveItems(GIFT, 1);
// L2Npc lilith = addSpawn(25283, -51772, -54523, -2825, 0,
// false, 0);
husband = null;
wife = null;
htmltext = htmltext_02;
else if (npcId == 102510)
int level = player.getLevel();
switch (WeddingLocked) {
case 0:
if (level >= 60)
if (player.getCoupleId() == 0)
htmltext = htmltext_03;
L2ItemInstance item = player.getChestArmorInstance();

if (item != null && item.getItemId() == 6408)
htmltext = "EngageRequest.htm";
htmltext = htmltext_04;
htmltext = htmltext_05;
case 1:
htmltext = "WeddingList.htm";
case 2:
player.teleToLocation(-51848, -54165, -2826);
htmltext = htmltext_06;
else if (npcId == 102509)
if (player == husband || player.getName().equals(husband.getName()))
if (WeddingStep == 1)
htmltext = "1.htm";
htmltext = htmltext_07;
else if (player == wife || player.getName().equals(wife.getName()))
if (WeddingStep == 2)
htmltext = "2.htm";
htmltext = htmltext_07;
htmltext = htmltext_08;

return htmltext;

public String onAdvEvent(String event, L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player)
int xx;
int yy;
int zz;
int x1;
int y1;
int x2;
int y2;

if (event.equals("EngageRequest"))
boolean sex = player.getAppearance().getSex();
boolean married = player.isMarried();
if (!married)
if (sex == false)
if (husbandOk == false)
if (HusbandCoupleId == 0 && WifeCoupleId == 0)
if (player.getQuestState("GrandWedding").getQuestItemsCount(REQUIRED) >= QTY_REQUIRED
&& player.getQuestState("GrandWedding").getQuestItemsCount(NEEDED_ADENA_ID) >= NEEDED_ADENA)
player.getQuestState("GrandWedding").takeItems(REQUIRED, QTY_REQUIRED);
player.getQuestState("GrandWedding").takeItems(NEEDED_ADENA_ID, NEEDED_ADENA);
husband = player;
husbandOk = true;
HusbandCoupleId = player.getCoupleId();
startQuestTimer("WeddingAnswer", 120000, null, null);
for (L2Npc i : WeddingManagers)
players = i.getKnownList().getKnownPlayers().values();
if (players.contains(husband))
i.broadcastPacket(new CreatureSay(i.getNpcId(), 0, "Wedding Manager", text_01));
return htmltext_09;
if (WifeCoupleId == player.getCoupleId())
husband = player;
husbandOk = true;
HusbandCoupleId = player.getCoupleId();
WeddingLocked = 1;
cancelQuestTimer("WeddingAnswer", null, null);
startQuestTimer("WeddingAnnounce", 10000, null, null);
for (L2Npc i : WeddingManagers)
players = i.getKnownList().getKnownPlayers().values();
if (players.contains(husband))
i.broadcastPacket(new CreatureSay(i.getNpcId(), 0,
"Wedding Manager", text_02));
if (husband != player)
return htmltext_10;
return htmltext_10;
else if (sex == true)
if (wifeOk == false)
if (HusbandCoupleId == 0 && WifeCoupleId == 0)
if (player.getQuestState("GrandWedding").getQuestItemsCount(REQUIRED) >= QTY_REQUIRED
&& player.getQuestState("GrandWedding").getQuestItemsCount(NEEDED_ADENA_ID) >= NEEDED_ADENA)
player.getQuestState("GrandWedding").takeItems(REQUIRED, QTY_REQUIRED);
player.getQuestState("GrandWedding").takeItems(NEEDED_ADENA_ID, NEEDED_ADENA);
wife = player;
wifeOk = true;
WifeCoupleId = player.getCoupleId();
cancelQuestTimer("WeddingAnswer", null, null);
startQuestTimer("WeddingAnswer", 120000, null, null);
for (L2Npc i : WeddingManagers)
players = i.getKnownList().getKnownPlayers().values();
if (players.contains(wife))
i.broadcastPacket(new CreatureSay(i.getNpcId(), 0, "Wedding Manager", text_03));
return htmltext_09;
if (HusbandCoupleId == player.getCoupleId())
wife = player;
wifeOk = true;
WifeCoupleId = player.getCoupleId();
WeddingLocked = 1;
cancelQuestTimer("WeddingAnswer", null, null);
startQuestTimer("WeddingAnnounce", 10000, null, null);
for (L2Npc i : WeddingManagers)
players = i.getKnownList().getKnownPlayers().values();
if (players.contains(wife))
i.broadcastPacket(new CreatureSay(i.getNpcId(), 0, "Wedding Manager", text_02));
if (wife != player)
return htmltext_10;

return htmltext_10;
return htmltext_11;
if (event.equals("WeddingAnswer"))
husbandOk = false;
wifeOk = false;
husband = null;
wife = null;
HusbandCoupleId = 0;
WifeCoupleId = 0;
WeddingLocked = 0;
WeddingStep = 0;
for (L2Npc i : WeddingManagers)
i.broadcastPacket(new CreatureSay(i.getNpcId(), 0, "Wedding Manager", text_04));
if (event.equals("WeddingAnnounce"))
String Announcestart = text_05
+ husband.getName()
+ text_06
+ wife.getName()
+ text_07;
startQuestTimer("WeddingTeleportAnnounce", 50000, null, null);
startQuestTimer("WeddingTeleport", 60000, null, null);
if (event.equals("WeddingList"))
if (!WeddingList.contains(player))
if (player != wife && player != husband)
return htmltext_12;
return htmltext_13;
return htmltext_14;
if (event.equals("WeddingTeleportAnnounce"))
if (event.equals("WeddingTeleport"))
xx = 0;
yy = 0;

WeddingLocked = 2;
husband.teleToLocation(-51659, -54137, -2820);
wife.teleToLocation(-51659, -54194, -2819);
if (WeddingList.size() > 0)
for (L2PcInstance i : WeddingList)
xx = -51848 + (Rnd.get(100) - 50);
yy = -54165 + (Rnd.get(100) - 50);
i.teleToLocation(xx, yy, -2826);
startQuestTimer("WeddingGuardsSpawn", 60000, null, null);
if (event.equals("WeddingGuardsSpawn"))
L2Npc guard = null;
int val = 1;
y1 = Point1Y;
y2 = Point2Y;
x1 = Point1X;
x2 = Point2X;
for (int i = 0; i < numberGuards.length; i++)
x1 = x1 + val;
x2 = x2 + val;
guard = addSpawn(102503, x1, y1, Point1Z, head1, false, 0);
guard = addSpawn(102503, x2, y2, Point1Z, head2, false, 0);
val = 80;
startQuestTimer("guardsPart2", 6000, null, null);
if (event.equals("guardsPart2"))
zz = guards.get(0).getZ();
for (int i = 0; i < guards.size(); i += 2)
int xx1 = guards.get(i).getX();
int yy1 = guards.get(i).getY() - 30;
int xx2 = guards.get(i + 1).getX();
int yy2 = guards.get(i + 1).getY() + 30;
guards.get(i).getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new L2CharPosition(xx1, yy1, zz, 0));
guards.get(i + 1).getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new L2CharPosition(xx2, yy2, zz, 0));
startQuestTimer("guardsPart3", 2500, null, null);
if (event.equals("guardsPart3"))
for (L2Npc i : guards)
i.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(i.getObjectId(), 2));

startQuestTimer("AnakimSpawn", 2000, null, null);
if (event.equals("AnakimSpawn"))
Anakim = addSpawn(102509, -52241, -54176, -2827, 0, false, 0);
startQuestTimer("AnakimSpeak", 100, null, null);
if (event.equals("AnakimSpeak"))
Anakim.broadcastPacket(new CreatureSay(Anakim.getNpcId(), 0, "Anakim", text_10));
Anakim.broadcastPacket(new SpecialCamera(Anakim.getObjectId(), 200, 0, 150, 0, 5000));
startQuestTimer("AnakimAnim", 1000, null, null);
startQuestTimer("AnakimPets", 8000, null, null);
if (event.equals("AnakimAnim"))
Anakim.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(Anakim.getObjectId(), 2));
if (event.equals("AnakimPets"))
Anakim.broadcastPacket(new CreatureSay(Anakim.getNpcId(), 0, "Anakim", text_11));
Anakim.broadcastPacket(new CreatureSay(Anakim.getNpcId(), 0, "Anakim", text_12));
pet1 = addSpawn(102514, -52241, -54146, -2827, 0, false, 0);
pet2 = addSpawn(102514, -52241, -54206, -2827, 0, false, 0);
startQuestTimer("AnakimWalk", 3000, null, null);
if (event.equals("AnakimWalk"))
Anakim.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new L2CharPosition(-49877, -54168, -2688, 0));
startQuestTimer("petsWalk", 1500, null, null);
if (event.equals("petsWalk"))
pet1.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new L2CharPosition(-49896, -54116, -2688, 0));
pet2.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new L2CharPosition(-49896, -54220, -2688, 0));
startQuestTimer("AnakimHeading", 27000, null, null);
Anakim.broadcastPacket(new SpecialCamera(Anakim.getObjectId(), 400, 180, 150, 0, 31500));
if (event.equals("AnakimHeading"))
startQuestTimer("witnessSpawn", 500, null, null);
startQuestTimer("AnakimSpeak2", 3000, null, null);
if (event.equals("witnessSpawn"))
L2Npc witness = addSpawn(102508, -50034, -54068, -2688, head2, false, 0);
witness = addSpawn(102507, -50034, -54268, -2688, head1, false, 0);
if (event.equals("AnakimSpeak2"))
Anakim.broadcastPacket(new CreatureSay(Anakim.getNpcId(), 0, "Anakim", text_13));
startQuestTimer("AnakimSpeak3", 2000, null, null);
if (event.equals("AnakimSpeak3"))
Anakim.broadcastPacket(new CreatureSay(Anakim.getNpcId(), 0, "Anakim", text_14));
startQuestTimer("PixiesSpawn", 1000, null, null);
startQuestTimer("PixiesCamera", 10500, null, null);
if (event.equals("PixiesSpawn"))
for (int i = 0; i < 45; i++)
xx = -51910 + (Rnd.get(120) - 60);
yy = -54985 + (Rnd.get(120) - 60);
L2Npc pixy = addSpawn(pixyId, xx, yy, -2824, 0, false, 0);
startQuestTimer("pixiesMove1", 9000, null, null);
if (event.equals("PixiesCamera"))
pixies.get(0).broadcastPacket(new SpecialCamera(pixies.get(0).getObjectId(), 400, 180, 150, 0, 14000));
if (event.equals("pixiesMove1"))
for (L2Npc i : pixies)
xx = -51433 + (Rnd.get(250) - 125);
yy = -54725 + (Rnd.get(250) - 125);
i.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new L2CharPosition(xx, yy, -2827, 0));
startQuestTimer("pixiesMove2", 3000, null, null);
if (event.equals("pixiesMove2"))
for (L2Npc i : pixies)
xx = -51848 + (Rnd.get(60) - 30);
yy = -54165 + (Rnd.get(60) - 30);
i.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new L2CharPosition(xx, yy, -2826, 0));
startQuestTimer("pixiesMove3", 2500, null, null);
if (event.equals("pixiesMove3"))
for (L2Npc i : pixies)
xx = -51228 + (Rnd.get(1200) - 600);
yy = -54178 + (Rnd.get(1200) - 600);
i.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new L2CharPosition(xx, yy, -2809, 0));
startQuestTimer("AnakimSpeak4", 5000, null, null);
if (event.equals("AnakimSpeak4"))
Anakim.broadcastPacket(new CreatureSay(Anakim.getNpcId(), 0, "Anakim", text_15));
Anakim.broadcastPacket(new CreatureSay(Anakim.getNpcId(), 0, "Anakim", text_16));
startQuestTimer("fix", 100, null, null);
startQuestTimer("entertainmentSpawn", 1000, null, null);
if (event.equals("fix"))
Anakim.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new L2CharPosition(-49932, -54168, -2688, 0));
pet2.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new L2CharPosition(-49976, -54241, -2688, 0));
startQuestTimer("petsHeading", 100, null, null);
if (event.equals("petsHeading"))
pet1.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new L2CharPosition(-49976, -54104, -2688, 0));
if (event.equals("entertainmentSpawn"))
for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
int rr = Rnd.get(3);
xx = -53714 + (Rnd.get(150) - 75);
yy = -54142 + (Rnd.get(150) - 75);
L2Npc show = addSpawn(entertainmentId[rr], xx, yy, -2674, 0, false, 0);
startQuestTimer("entertainmentMove", 4000, null, null);
if (event.equals("showCamera"))
entertainment.get(0).broadcastPacket(new SpecialCamera(entertainment.get(0).getObjectId(), 400, 180, 150, 0, 20000));
if (event.equals("entertainmentMove"))
for (L2Npc i : entertainment)
xx = -52083 + (Rnd.get(100) - 50);
yy = -54117 + (Rnd.get(100) - 50);
i.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new L2CharPosition(xx, yy, -2826, 0));
startQuestTimer("entertainmentMove2", 10500, null, null);
if (event.equals("entertainmentMove2"))
for (L2Npc i : entertainment)
xx = -51770 + (Rnd.get(220) - 110);
yy = -54863 + (Rnd.get(220) - 110);
i.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new L2CharPosition(xx, yy, -2825, 0));
for (L2Npc show : entertainment)

startQuestTimer("showCamera", 100, null, null);
startQuestTimer("entertainmentMove3", 10500, null, null);
if (event.equals("entertainmentMove3"))
for (L2Npc i : entertainment)
xx = -51150 + (Rnd.get(200) - 100);
yy = -54511 + (Rnd.get(200) - 100);
i.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new L2CharPosition(xx, yy, -2825, 0));
startQuestTimer("AnakimSpeak5", 10000, null, null);
if (event.equals("AnakimSpeak5"))
Anakim.broadcastPacket(new CreatureSay(Anakim.getNpcId(), 0, "Anakim", text_17));
Anakim.broadcastPacket(new CreatureSay(Anakim.getNpcId(), 0, "Anakim", text_18));
startQuestTimer("SpecialGuestsSpawn", 4000, null, null);
if (event.equals("SpecialGuestsSpawn"))
for (int i = 0; i < specialGuests.length; i++)
x1 = -51311 + (Rnd.get(500) - 250);
y1 = -53695 + (Rnd.get(500) - 250);
L2Npc guard = addSpawn(specialGuests[i], x1, y1, Point1Z, 58609, false, 0);
startQuestTimer("GuestCamera", 100, null, null);
startQuestTimer("AnakimSpeak6", 8500, null, null);
startQuestTimer("CoupleMarch", 10000, null, null);
if (event.equals("GuestCamera"))
guests.get(0).broadcastPacket(new SpecialCamera(guests.get(0).getObjectId(), 1000, 180, 150, 0, 6000));
if (event.equals("AnakimSpeak6"))
String AnakimTalk = text_19 + wife.getName() + text_06 + husband.getName() + text_20;
Anakim.broadcastPacket(new CreatureSay(Anakim.getNpcId(), 0, "Anakim", AnakimTalk));
startQuestTimer("AnakimSpeak7", 24000, null, null);
if (event.equals("CoupleMarch"))
for (L2PcInstance i : WeddingList)
i.sendPacket(new PlaySound(1, "ns23_f", 0, 0, i.getX(), i.getY(), i.getZ()));

wife.sendPacket(new PlaySound(1, "ns23_f", 0, 0, wife.getX(), wife.getY(), wife.getZ()));
husband.sendPacket(new PlaySound(1, "ns23_f", 0, 0, husband.getX(), husband.getY(), husband.getZ()));
husband.broadcastPacket(new SpecialCamera(husband.getObjectId(), 700, 180, 140, 0, 20000));
wife.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new L2CharPosition(-50042, -54178, -2688, 0));
husband.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new L2CharPosition(-50042, -54147, -2688, 0));
if (event.equals("AnakimSpeak7"))
String AnakimTalk = text_21 + husband.getName() + text_22 + wife.getName() + text_23;
Anakim.broadcastPacket(new CreatureSay(Anakim.getNpcId(), 0, "Anakim", AnakimTalk));
WeddingStep = 1;
if (event.equals("AnakimSpeak8"))
String AnakimTalk = text_24 + wife.getName() + text_25 + husband.getName() + text_26;
Anakim.broadcastPacket(new CreatureSay(Anakim.getNpcId(), 0, "Anakim", AnakimTalk));
WeddingStep = 2;
if (event.equals("AnakimSpeak9"))
String AnakimTalk = text_27;
Anakim.broadcastPacket(new CreatureSay(Anakim.getNpcId(), 0, "Anakim", AnakimTalk));
WeddingStep = 0;
Couple couple = CoupleManager.getInstance().getCouple(HusbandCoupleId);
Anakim.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(2025, 1));
for (L2Npc i : guards)
int rr = Rnd.get(1);
if (rr == 0)
i.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(2024, 1));
if (rr == 1)
i.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(2023, 1));
startQuestTimer("WeddingFinale", 3000, null, null);
if (event.equals("WeddingFinale"))
for (L2Npc i : pixies)
xx = -51228 + (Rnd.get(1200) - 600);
yy = -54178 + (Rnd.get(1200) - 600);
i.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new L2CharPosition(xx, yy, -2809, 0));
for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
int rr = Rnd.get(2);
xx = -51228 + (Rnd.get(1200) - 600);
yy = -54178 + (Rnd.get(1200) - 600);
L2Npc gourd = addSpawn(Gourd[rr], xx, yy, -2824, 0, false, 0);
startQuestTimer("WeddingFinale2", 4000, null, null);
if (event.equals("WeddingFinale2"))
for (final L2Npc i : guests)

for (final L2Npc i : guards)

for (final L2Npc i : entertainment)
xx = -51862 + (Rnd.get(50) - 25);
yy = -54451 + (Rnd.get(50) - 25);
i.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new L2CharPosition(xx, yy, -2825, 0));
for (int n = 0; n < 25; n++)
gourds.get(n).reduceCurrentHp(999999, gourds.get(n), null);

startQuestTimer("WeddingFinale3", 6000, null, null);
if (event.equals("WeddingFinale3"))
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)

for (final L2Npc i : entertainment)
xx = -51867;
yy = -54209;
i.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new L2CharPosition(xx, yy, -2825, 0));
for (final L2Npc i : entertainment2)
xx = -51867;
yy = -54120;
i.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new L2CharPosition(xx, yy, -2825, 0));
startQuestTimer("WeddingFinale4", 6000, null, null);
if (event.equals("WeddingFinale4"))
int val = 1;
x1 = Point1X + 30;
x2 = Point2X - 30;
for (int i = 0; i < entertainment.size(); i++)
x1 = x1 + val;
x2 = x2 + val;
yy = -54209;
entertainment.get(i).getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new L2CharPosition(x1, yy, Point1Z, 0));
entertainment2.get(i).getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new L2CharPosition(x2, yy, Point1Z, 0));
val = 80;
startQuestTimer("WeddingFinale5", 6000, null, null);
if (event.equals("WeddingFinale5"))
entertainment2.get(0).broadcastPacket(new CreatureSay(entertainment2.get(0).getNpcId(), 0, "Ceremony Staff", text_28));
startQuestTimer("WeddingFinale6", 4000, null, null);
if (event.equals("WeddingFinale6"))
giftBox = addSpawn(102502, husband.getX() + 20, husband.getY() + 20, husband.getZ(), 0, false, 0);
startQuestTimer("weddingDespawn", 5000, null, null);
if (event.equals("weddingDespawn"))
husbandOk = false;
wifeOk = false;
HusbandCoupleId = 0;
WifeCoupleId = 0;
WeddingLocked = 0;
WeddingStep = 0;
for (final L2Npc s : entertainment2)
for (final L2Npc s : entertainment)
for (final L2Npc n : pixies)
for (final L2Npc i : guards)
return "";